Friday, October 14, 2005

Angels and time

(excerpt from email to friend)

I was very intrigued by the question of whether or not angelic beings are bound by time. While I agree that they are non-corporeal except on rare occasions, I can't see that they are non-temporal.

They are linear in relation to time (to use the geometry analogy), I think, just as we are. That is, like a geometric ray, they have a definite start, but no end. Their position in time can be plotted on that ray, and they cannot move themselves willing backwards or other words, they are bound by the flow of time just as we are. I don't know that I can support that view, but I don't see a reason to suppose them non-temporal.

Our physical bodies, on the other hand, are a geometric line segment with a definite beginning and end, but our souls are rays, continuing into eternity yet with a definite beginning. Although, what about the risen, glorified body we will have?

God, unlike any other being, cannot be plotted in my geometric analogy. He is without beginning or end, and has total freedom of perception so that he can look at any/all beings at any point along their ray of existence. He can study each and every point on any ray/segment outside the bounds of time...true ominiscience. Christ willingly chose to be incarnated and chose daily to exist within the confines of a human body...a ray in relation to time. It makes God's glory,--and Christ's humility--much more awesome to me.

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