Either the universe(s) are the result of randomness and natural processes or there is a spiritual and supernatural actor involved.
If the universe is solely natural, then you and I are the results, ultimately, of random atomic bumpings and jumpings, and whether you believe the universe natural or supernatural is of no more consequence, significance, or importance than whether a rock tumbles left or right. In that case you have no purpose and no responsibility. Nothing is either good or bad, and you should do that which will make you happy, because there is nothing else.
Then the question, becomes; how do I maximize my happiness?
Is it with wealth or power or pleasure? No, because history is full of examples of those who have none of these and are happy and those who are rolling in it and are still miserable. You know this. You have gone from happy to miserable within the space of minutes with no change in your material circumstances. However, a sudden increase or decrease in perceived material circumstances can precipitate happiness or unhappiness.
What does that tell us? Perception trumps reality. What you think is more important than what you have.
If that is the case then, again, how do I maximize my happiness? By pursuing better circumstances? No, I do it by controlling my thoughts.
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